About Our Campaign

“Any spare change?” How often do you hear this phrase on the streets of the UK? Most likely it emits from a discreet, yet conspicuous corner, in a city centre. We walk pass them seemingly oblivious to their plight. 

If they capture our attention, all sorts of images are conjured up in our minds. Is he going to buy his next hit or just a cheese and onion pasty from Gregg's? Is he going to be drunk beyond belief or is he going to warm himself with cup of £1.50 Latte? Usually, at this point, we walk off as if he wasn’t there.

However, in most cases, the course of their lives doesn’t match our perception. Increasingly, more youngsters are becoming homeless. Every year, 75,000 youngsters experience this ill fate. More alarmingly, nearly half of the homelessness services (44%) and councils (48%) have seen an increase in young people seeking help because they are homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless.

Youngsters become and stay homeless for a whole range of complex and overlapping reasons such as break down of relationships, abuse and  health issues. Solving homelessness is much more than putting a roof over people's heads. Many homeless people face a number of issues in addition to, but often compounded by, their homelessness.

We, Team V Uclan, want to challenge and change the current general public perception of youth homelessness. Team V Uclan is part of a national campaign to creatively challenge this neglected issue. The campaign is a brainchild of the independent charity, vInspired, which is dedicated to helping young people volunteer in ways that matter to them.

Over the coming weeks, we will be holding exhibitions, organising meetings with prominent local figures, carrying out public stunts and other exciting activities to raise awareness and challenge the general public’s perception of youth  homelessness.

Follow us on this blog and Facebook to stay updated on the progress of our campaign campaign.

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